Model Spotlight

Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month with Cody Seiya

Subverting stereotypes and forming identity!

By Pornhub | May 17, 2024 | 5 minutes

Cody Seiya comes from a mixed cultural background intersecting Chinese American and Jewish heritages. He is ranked within the Top 100 Models on PornhubGay and has been featured in scenes by top studios such as Men and Sean Cody. In celebration of Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month, we caught up with Cody to talk subverting stereotypes, forming identity around a cultural smorgasbord, the rewards of working in porn, being an artist, and more.


First things first, how did you get started in the adult industry and what inspired you to begin making content?

The idea had been simmering for years, thanks to my sex-positive friends always cheering me on. Then the pandemic hit, and let's be honest, the world felt a bit like it was ending (or at least on indefinite pause). I had just graduated, and paying rent suddenly became a full-time job! Why not share some nudes online? I thought. After all, I had filmed myself before, but never for the public eye. Plus, the content I loved never seemed to feature anyone who looked like me.  

So, with the world on hold and bills piling up, I took the plunge! It started as a way to make ends meet, but somewhere along the way, it became much more. It is like this creative outlet I never knew I needed, and that people wanted to consume.


We are glad you did take the plunge! Did your expectations of what porn is and the reality of it align? Or did you feel they were two separate things?  

Sure, there is a gap between porn fantasies and filming reality. Who knew it was not all smoldering stares and spontaneous passion? (Spoiler alert: it is a lot of lighting adjustments!) I do my best to meld the two and the fun I have filming translates to the screen. That is what keeps viewers coming back, right?

As a former porn enthusiast turned porn creator, the biggest surprise was the production side. From camera angles to mental prep, it is a full-body workout (pun intended) that goes way beyond just looking good. But the best part? Finding ways to blend fantasy and reality. It is about creating hot scenes while staying connected with my partners and keeping the audience glued to the screen.


There is more to it than some might think! Speaking of expectations, what are 3 things that you wish you knew when you were starting out in the industry?

1. Do not let fear of rejection or failure hold you back.  
2. Saying "no" is your superpower! Do not be afraid to flex it when you need to. 
3. Embrace your inner pornstar! Sometimes you need to fake it until you make it!


Great advice! Now let’s switch gears a bit. Tell us about your mixed cultural background. Do you feel there are unique characteristics that contribute to your identity?

My childhood was a cultural smorgasbord – think steamed shrimp dumplings meets challah bread! Mom, a Chinese immigrant with a healthy dose of pragmatism, and Dad, a devout Jew with a love for lively debate, were not exactly on the same page. Balancing those two forces at home was a feat in itself. And let's not forget the playground vultures who swooped in to tease me for my heritage on both sides.

Feeling like a human piñata was not ideal, but it gave me a superpower! I realized fitting in was overrated. Through the cultural clashes and playground taunts (and beyond), I forged my own unique identity. There is only one me, and that is awesome!


Being true to yourself is the best, which leads us to our next question. What does Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month mean to you?

AAPI Heritage Month is a welcome and important recognition. Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders deserve to be celebrated for our rich cultures and contributions. Sometimes, it can feel like we are overlooked in mainstream media, and no, the plucky aromantic sidekick who is a tech wiz does not count.

AAPI Heritage Month is a chance to correct the course. It is a time to reflect on our achievements, share our diverse stories, and dismantle tired stereotypes. Let's raise the volume on AAPI voices – it is a month to appreciate the vibrant tapestry of our community.


As a queer Asian man and content creator, do you encounter a lot of stereotypes? If so, how do you challenge them?

Admittedly, some viewer assumptions in porn are a bit stuck in the past. People immediately assume that I am solely a bottom, that I have a small penis, or, my favorite, that I am completely submissive. Stereotypes about who gets to be on top or who should be submissive kind of feels like playground taunts revisited. (Maybe that explains the popularity of locker room scenes?)

That is where the fun kicks in! I enjoy subverting those expectations in fun ways. Who says a bottom cannot be dominant, or a top cannot take a backseat? Even just being myself in this industry can feel transgressive. Let's just say I am rewriting the script, one scene at a time.


We love that for you! On the flip side, what has been the most rewarding aspect of working in porn?

Honestly, the most rewarding part? Hearing from fellow Asians (and other viewers) that my content and online presence makes them feel empowered! We all deserve more intimacy and passion and that is something I strive to showcase. I guess you could say my videos spark conversations and change how people express their own sexuality. Building those connections with viewers and feeling like a part of something bigger – that is what keeps me going in this wild industry.


We love building connections too! To jump off that point, last year, Tyler Wu mentioned you as someone we should have on our radar. Since then, you joined the Model Program and have been trending in the Top 100 on PornhubGay. Who are other Asian American content creators you would like to give a shoutout to?

Collaborating with Tyler was a blast – he is not just a creative powerhouse, but a great friend too! It is music to my ears that things are trending my way, and championing fellow Asian American performers is always a thrill. Some of my favorite Asian American collaborators – Sammy Sins, Eli Shaw, and Dane Jaxson – create content that is worth multiple watches!


Tell us about some of your hobbies and interests; we hear you are a very talented illustrator!

When the cameras stop rolling, my inner nerd takes center stage! I am a full-fledged anime aficionado, and comics, manga, and fiction fuel my imagination like a never-ending power source. These provide a lot of inspiration for my own artistic endeavors.

Beyond the fantastical worlds I bring to life, museums and galleries quench my thirst for artistic adventures. But the plot twist? I am also a cartooning college graduate with some secret creative projects brewing (stay tuned)! In fact, if you are curious to see my illustrations come to life, you can peek a few at The Pride Store!


That is so exciting! One final question for you. What goals do you hope to achieve in the next 1-3 years?

A Pornhub Top 10 placement is an achievement I would love to materialize! Awards (beyond the participation kind) are a serious desire. But shiny trophies aside, I want to further my impact on the Asian American community and continue with that representation. The future is a blank canvas – a graphic memoir waiting to happen, more globetrotting adventures (and deepening my roots in New York City), as well some top-secret projects brewing. I never thought I would say this, but I am so excited for my future!


If you missed Elle Lee’s Model Spotlight for Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month, you can check it out here. And if you want to subvert stereotypes and bring pleasure to viewers like Cody Seiya, you can start by becoming a content creator and joining our Model Program! Learn more about it here.

Photo Credit: Rick Day
