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Tip 1 of 10: Upload Consistently

The first breakdown in our series of the Top 10 Tips to be Successful in the Model Program.

By Pornhub | May 29, 2024 | 3 minutes

One of the most effective ways to increase your earnings and keep your fans engaged is to consistently upload new content. It is one of the keys to success. By keeping your fans engaged, your Model ranking has a better chance of increasing.


Aim For 10 Minute Videos

For optimal engagement, we recommend posting videos of 10 minutes or more at least twice per month. Videos over 10 minutes tend to yield higher engagement from fans and offer a better user experience, especially when there is a climax at the end. Additionally, unlike shorter videos, longer videos have a better chance of being featured on our homepage for maximum visibility.  

“Maintaining a consistent weekly upload schedule has been a key factor in keeping my audience engaged,” says Top ranking Model, Brooke Tilli, about her growth strategy. And like Brooke, Rhyheim Shabazz, a Top ranking Model on PornhubGay, shares his strategy, “I try to add full older movies and nice sized clips from newer scenes... I think variety is key.”

In addition to posting longer videos, you can also upload short videos, or teasers. These can help promote your full-length videos or direct your fans to your paysites. We recommend posting short videos at least 4 times per month.  

To summarize:

  • Upload 10+ minute videos at least twice per month.
    • Longer videos are more likely to be featured on our homepage, giving you massive boosts in traffic.
  • Upload short videos at least 4 times per month.
    • Teaser videos can help direct fans to your paysites where they can purchase the full clip.

Like Brooke Tilli and Rhyheim Shabazz, your growth strategy will depend on how often you upload new content. It is helpful to plan out your upload strategy in advance, giving yourself measurable data to utilize rather than uploading ad hoc. See for yourself how uploading consistently can help increase your Model rank!


When in Doubt, Schedule Out

The scheduling tool allows you to schedule your videos to be published later in the same quarter during the upload process, effectively keeping your content relevant and your audience engaged and coming back for more. The more they come back and watch your videos, the more likely your Model rank will increase.  

To schedule a video, open your Model Dashboard and click Upload Video. After you choose which videos you want to upload, you will have the option to decide when it will be published on Pornhub. You can select the date and precise time you want your video to go live.

Scheduler Tool.png

The scheduler also gives you the opportunity to batch upload. Batch uploading means you can upload several videos at once and use the scheduler to determine at what point during the quarter they will appear live on Pornhub. This is a great way to ensure your videos are going up according to your strategy while you are busy filming new content for your fans.


Algorithm Visibility

The more you upload, the more the algorithm will favor you. This is not limited only to social media; it applies anywhere algorithms operate. If you let your profile sit too long without uploading something new, algorithms will have a harder time picking up your content. Alternatively, when you upload consistently, your fans will engage with your content more, leaving comments and clicking on your profile and other links, and the algorithm will pick up on that and float you to the top of the feed.  

On Pornhub, uploading consistently will alert the algorithm, which will track your engagement metrics. The more you upload and the more engagement you get, the higher your likelihood of appearing on the homepage. Algorithms work to reward you with increased visibility and broader reach for feeding into them.


What to Do if You Are Unable to Create New Content

Have you uploaded a compilation video? Compilations are a very popular category on Pornhub and can help new fans discover your content. These videos can be split up by action shot, theme, category, and more. They can be created using free software or professional software. Check out our blog post How to Make Compilation Content for more helpful tips!

Do you have any other upload strategies that keep your fans consistently coming back for more? Let us know in the comments!
